Rapport Annuel 2004 : L’économie mondiale au service de tous, 2004

Publication Date: September 30, 2004
Summary: The Annual Report to the Board of Governors reviews the IMF’s activities and policies during any given year. There are five chapters: (1) Overview, (2) Developments in the Global Economy and Financial Markets, (3) Policies to Secure Sustained and Balanced Global Growth, (4) Reforming and Strengthening the IMF to Better Support Member Countries, and (5) Finances, Organization, and Accountability. The full financial statements for the year are published separately and are also available, along with appendixes and other supplementary materials.
Series: 2004
Frequency: Annually
Subject(s): Annual reports | Executive Board

Publication Date: September 30, 2004
ISBN/ISSN: 9781589063723/0250-7501 Format: Paper
Stock No: ARIFA2004001 Pages: 248
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