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Title: "Fiscal Devaluation" and Fiscal Consolidation: The VAT in Troubled Times
Author/Editor: Mooij, Ruud A. de ; Keen, Michael
Series: Working Paper No. 12/85
Subject(s): Europe | Fiscal consolidation | Taxation | Value added tax

Title: The "Flat Tax(es)": Principles and Evidence
Author/Editor: Keen, Michael ; Kim, Kevin ; Varsano, Ricardo
Series: Working Paper No. 06/218
Subject(s): Tax systems | Tax reforms | Income taxes | Political economy

Title: Fabric of Reform--A Video
Subject(s): Economic reform

Title: Fabric of Reform--A Video
Subject(s): Economic reform

Title: Fabric of Reform--A Video
Subject(s): Economic reform

Title: Fabric of Reform--A Video
Subject(s): Economic reform

Title: Facing globalized world economy: the IMF Experience
Subject(s): Economic stabilization | Exchange rate policy surveillance | Markets

Title: Facing globalized world economy: the IMF Experience
Subject(s): Economic stabilization | Exchange rate policy surveillance | Markets

Title: Facing globalized world economy: the IMF Experience
Subject(s): Economic stabilization | Exchange rate policy surveillance | Markets

Title: Factor Endowment, Structural Coherence, and Economic Growth
Author/Editor: Natasha Xingyuan Che
Series: Working Paper No. 12/165
Subject(s): Capital accumulation | Economic growth | Economic models | Industrial structure | Production growth

Title: Factor Immobility and Regional Impacts of Trade Liberalization Evidence on Poverty from India
Author/Editor: Topalova, Petia
Series: Working Paper No. 10/218
Subject(s): Fiscal reforms | Income distribution | India | International trade | Nontariff barriers | Poverty | Private consumption | Protectionism | Tariffs | Trade liberalization | Trade policy

Title: Factor Model for Stress-testing with a Contingent Claims Model of the Chilean Banking System
Author/Editor: Gray, Dale F. ; Walsh, James P
Series: Working Paper No. 08/89
Subject(s): Banking systems | Chile | Pricing policy | Capital markets | Credit risk | Economic models

Title: Factor Reallocation and Growth in Developing Countries
Author/Editor: Poirson, Hélène
Series: Working Paper No. 00/94
Subject(s): Economic growth | Developing countries | Economic models

Title: Factors Influencing Emerging Market Central Banks’ Decision to Intervene in Foreign Exchange Markets
Author/Editor: Matthew S Malloy
Series: Working Paper No. 13/70
Subject(s): Central banks | Emerging markets | Exchange markets | Intervention | Reserves accumulation | Cross country analysis | Economic models

Title: Factors Underlying the Definition of Broad Money: An Examination of Recent U.S. Monetary Statistics and Practices of Other Countries
Author/Editor: Lim, Ewe-Ghee ; Sriram, Subramanian S.
Series: Working Paper No. 03/62
Subject(s): Money | United States | United Kingdom | Euro area | Monetary aggregates | Economic models

Title: The Facts About Time-to-Build
Author/Editor: Koeva Brooks, Petya
Series: Working Paper No. 00/138
Subject(s): Investment

Title: Fading Ricardian Equivalence in Ageing Japan
Author/Editor: Ikuo Saito
Series: Working Paper No. 16/194
Subject(s): Aging | Japan | Population | Household consumption | Private savings | Liquidity | Public debt | Fiscal policy | Fiscal consolidation | Fiscal stimulus and multipliers

Title: A Fair Exchange? Theory and Practice of Calculating Equilibrium Exchange Rates
Author/Editor: Bayoumi, Tamim ; Faruqee, Hamid ; Lee, Jaewoo
Series: Working Paper No. 05/229
Subject(s): Exchange rates | Economic models

Title: Fair Play : More Equal Laws Boost Female Labor Force Participation
Author/Editor: Christian Gonzales ; Sonali Jain-Chandra ; Kalpana Kochhar ; Monique Newiak
Series: Staff Discussion Notes No. 15/2
Subject(s): Labor force participation | Gender equality | Women

Title: Fair Play : More Equal Laws Boost Female Labor Force Participation
Author/Editor: Christian Gonzales ; Sonali Jain-Chandra ; Kalpana Kochhar ; Monique Newiak
Series: Staff Discussion Notes No. 15/2
Subject(s): Labor force participation | Gender equality | Women