IMF Finances

IMF Executive Board Discusses Quota Formulas

Alternative Quota Formulas-- Further Considerations
May 3, 2002

Alternative Quota Formulas—Considerations:
Statistical Appendix

Prepared by the Treasurer's and Statistics Departments
(In cooperation with other Departments)

May 3, 2002

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This paper provides background information to the paper "Alternative Quota Formulas—Further Considerations"


I.   Origins of PPP Data in the World
Economic Outlook

II.   The Effect of Weights of Variables on
Calculated Quota Shares: Analytical Results

  1. Origin of PPP Conversion Factors Used in the Latest
       World Economic Outlook
  2. Criteria for Rise in Calculated Quota Share When
       Weights are Increased
  3. Critical Values for an Increase in Quota Share When
       Weights are Increased

Individual Country Data

Annex Tables
  1. Distribution of Variables in World Totals: GDP and Openness
  2. Distribution of International Investment Position of Reporting Members
  3. Distribution of Variables in World Totals: Variability and Reserves
  4. Calculated Quota Shares: Equal Weights of Variables
  5. Calculated Quota Shares: GDP with Largest Weight
  6. Calculated Quota Shares: Targeting a Specific Distribution of Quota Shares
  7. Calculated Quota Shares: Predetermination
  8. Calculated Quota Shares: Two Formulas
  9. Mr. Kelkar's Current Voting Power Proposal
  10. Illustrative Voting Shares: No Change in Quotas and Increased Basic Votes
  11. Illustrative Voting Shares: General Quota Increase and Increased Basic Votes