Documents Related to the April 16, 2005 IMFC Meeting

Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative—Statistical Update, March 31, 2004

Debt Initiative for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs)
A Factsheet

The IMF’s Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF)
A Factsheet

Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative—Statistical Update

Prepared by the Staffs of the IMF and the World Bank

Approved by Mark Allen and Danny Leipziger

April 11, 2005

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I. Guide to the Tables
A.  Progress in Implementation
B.  Summary of Costs
C.  Creditor Participation: Multilateral Creditors
D.  Creditor Participation: Official Bilateral and Commercial Creditors
E.  Effect of HIPC Debt Reduction on Debt Service and Poverty Reducing Expenditures
II. Annexes
1.  Country Coverage, Data Sources, and Assumptions for the HIPC Costing Exercise
2.  Table 1. HIPC Initiative: Progress in Implementation by Country
III. Statistical Tables
1.  HIPC Initiative: Committed Debt Relief and Outlook
2.  HIPC Initiative: Changes in the Estimates of Potential Costs by Creditor Group
3.  HIPC Initiative: Breakdown of Estimated Potential Main Creditors and by Country Groups
4.  HIPC Initiative: Estimates of Costs to Multilateral Creditors and Status of Their Commitments
5A.  HIPC Initiative: Status of Delivery of Assistance by the World Bank
5B.  HIPC Initiative: Estimated Delivery of World Bank Assistance, 2000-2009
6A.  HIPC Initiative: Status of Commitments by the IMF
6B.  HIPC Initiative: Estimated Delivery of IMF Assistance, 1998-2010
7.  Status of Bilateral Donor Pledges to the HIPC Trust Fund
8A.  HIPC Initiative: Estimated Paris Club Creditor Country
8B.  HIPC Initiative: Paris Club Debt Relief
9.  Paris Club Creditors' Delivery of Debt Relief Under Bilateral Initiatives Beyond the HIPC Initiative
10A.  HIPC Initiative: Estimated Non- Paris Club Official Bilateral Creditors' Costs, by Creditor Country
10B.  HIPC Initiative: Delivery of HIPC Assistance by Non-Paris Club Creditors
11A.  Summary Debt Service for the 27 HIPCs the Decision Point
11B.  Debt Service for the 27 HIPCs that have Reached the Decision Point, by Country
12A.  Summary of Poverty- Reducing Expenditures by the 27 HIPCs that have Reached the Decision Point
12B.  Poverty-Reducing Expenditures by the 27 HIPCs that have Reached the Decision Point, by Country