1. At its fiftieth meeting in Washington, D.C., on April 16, 1998,
the Interim Committee of the Board of Governors of the International
Monetary Fund adopted the Code of Good Practices on Fiscal Transparency—Declaration
on Principles. This was done in response to a clear consensus
that good governance is of central importance to achieving macroeconomic
stability and high-quality growth, and that fiscal transparency is
a key aspect of good governance.1
Fiscal transparency should make those responsible for the design and
implementation of fiscal policies more accountable. The stronger,
more credible fiscal policies that follow should attract the support
of a well-informed public, result in more favorable access to domestic
and international capital markets, and reduce the incidence and severity
of crises.
2. The Code, together with the explanatory Manual on Fiscal Transparency,
a fiscal transparency questionnaire, and a summary self-evaluation
report, were posted as fiscal transparency web pages on the IMF's
external website in November 1998.2
Since May 1999, fiscal transparency web pages have been part of a
Standards and Codes website.3
Fiscal transparency modules of Reports on the Observance of Standards
and Codes (ROSCs), which assess the extent to which fiscal management
practices in a number of countries are consistent with the Code, are
also available on the Standards and Codes website.4
Interactions with country authorities in connection with preparing
ROSCs, and other contacts with fiscal policy specialists from a range
of international, government, and private sector organizations, have
confirmed the usefulness of the framework provided by the Code, and
its supporting material, in analyzing fiscal transparency.
3. However, in response to an increased emphasis on ensuring the
provision to the IMF and to markets of the best available economic
and financial information, it has become apparent that more attention
needs to be paid to the data quality aspect of fiscal transparency,
and that this should be addressed in the Code. Accordingly, a new
section has been added to the Code that includes good practices related
specifically to the quality of fiscal data. There are also new good
practices concerned with autonomy and openness in tax administration
and reporting on public sector5
finances, and other changes have been made to the organization and
drafting of the Code to make it clearer. The Manual has been revised
to reflect the modifications to the Code, and in response to comments
received on its detailed content and general user friendliness.
4. The original definition of fiscal transparency—which emphasizes
being open to the public about the structure and functions of government,
fiscal policy intentions, public sector accounts, and fiscal projections
(Kopits and Craig, 1998)—continues to form the basis of the Code.6
The following four general principles of fiscal transparency, which
provide the organizational structure of the Code, also remain largely
- The first general principle—Clarity of Roles and Responsibilities—is
concerned with specifying the structure and functions of government,
responsibilities within government, and relations between government
and the rest of the economy.
- The second general principle—Public Availability of Information—emphasizes
the importance of publishing comprehensive fiscal information at
clearly specified times.
- The third general principle—Open Budget Preparation, Execution,
and Reporting— covers the type of information that is made
available about the budget process.
- The fourth general principle—Assurances of Integrity—deals
with the quality of fiscal data and the need for independent scrutiny
of fiscal information.
The fourth general principle has been amended compared to the previous
version of the Code, where the focus was entirely on the provision
of independent assurances of the integrity of fiscal information by
an external auditor, a national statistics agency, and other experts.
Reflecting the increased emphasis on the quality of fiscal data noted
above, the fourth general principle now addresses more directly this
aspect of fiscal transparency.
5. Specific principles and good practices correspond to each of the
general principles. The good practices represent a standard of fiscal
transparency that is judged appropriate to provide assurances to the
public and to capital markets that a sufficiently complete picture
of the structure and finances of government is available to allow
the soundness of a country's fiscal position to be reliably assessed.
It is therefore a standard that most countries should seek to meet.
6. In preparing the Manual, a number of points have been taken into
account. First, the Code is being implemented on a voluntary basis.
To promote an appreciation of the rationale for the Code, and an understanding
of its fiscal transparency requirements, the Manual sets out in detail
the principles and practices included in the Code. However, because
of the complexity of fiscal management systems, the Manual does not
provide comprehensive directions on how all the good practices are
to be put in place. Instead, it contains numerous references and website
addresses that can assist with the practical implementation of the
Code. But even then, many countries will have to make a significant
effort and need considerable time to achieve a level of fiscal transparency
consistent with the Code.
7. Second, fiscal transparency is only one aspect of good fiscal
management, and care is needed to distinguish fiscal transparency
from two other key aspects, namely the efficiency of fiscal policy,
and the soundness of public finances. As the introduction to the original
version of the Code notes, attention has to be paid to all three aspects,
which are clearly interrelated. But institutional changes that would
lead to more efficient government and promote sound public finances
are not advocated directly in the Code. Thus if the government pursues
fiscal policy objectives through extrabudgetary funds and tax
expenditures, or if nongovernment public sector agencies engage
in quasi-fiscal activities, the Code requires only that the
purpose of such interventions should be clearly identified and their
financial consequences reported. However, the expectation is that
transparency about extrabudgetary funds, tax expenditures, and quasi-fiscal
activities will provide less incentive for their extensive use, and
lead to some of them being replaced by traditional practices of fiscal
8. Third, diversity of institutional backgrounds and capacity constraints
to improving fiscal management are clearly recognized. For this reason,
the Code is not a best practice standard. Rather, it is a set of good
practices that can be implemented by most countries over the medium
to longer term. Moreover, the Manual highlights a selection of good
practices that should be the main focus of attention in countries
with weaker fiscal management systems. These basic requirements of
fiscal transparency, which are given in Box 1, emphasize good practices
related to fiscal reporting and fiscal data quality.
9. The fact that the Code is pitched at the general government
level, in the sense that it requires information to be provided by
the central government about general government activities
and finances, may also be a problem for some countries, and especially
for those where weaknesses in fiscal management systems relate to
fiscal relations between central government and subnational levels
of government. It is therefore recognized that the application of
the Code (and the basic requirements of fiscal transparency) in certain
cases may have to be limited, at least in the first instance, to central
government. It is also realized that the constitutional relationship
between central and subnational governments in a few countries makes
it inappropriate for central government to report on general government
activities and finances.
10. The Manual also goes beyond the Code by identifying best practices
of fiscal transparency which should be put in place by advanced economies
which have already attained or are close to attaining the standard
of the Code. In this connection, the Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD) has produced a set of best practice guidelines—OECD
Best Practices for Budget Transparency—which provide
a useful starting point.7
These OECD guidelines are derived from a compendium of OECD member
country practices. However, they include much that is already in the
Code. Also, by focusing only on budget (rather than fiscal) transparency,
and the central government (rather than the general government), they
are narrower in coverage than the Code. Box 2 therefore suggests best
practices in all areas covered by the Code, drawing where appropriate
on the OECD guidelines.
11. Fourth, in some areas covered by the Code there are already international
standards that have been developed by the IMF and other organizations.
The Code and the Manual are coordinated with these other initiatives.
In particular, consistency has been maintained with those parts of
IMF data standards—the Special Data Dissemination Standard
(SDDS) and the General Data Dissemination System (GDDS)—that
relate to fiscal data, with the proposed revision to the IMF Government
Finance Statistics (GFS) system, and with the IMF Code of Good
Practices on Transparency in Monetary and Financial Policies—Declaration
of Principles (the monetary and financial transparency code) insofar
as it relates to links between the government and the banking and
financial sectors.8
Public sector accounting standards developed by the Public Sector
Committee of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC-PSC)
are highlighted in the Manual, and auditing standards produced under
the auspices of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
(INTOSAI) are also taken into account.
12. Finally, as noted above, assessments of fiscal transparency in
the form of ROSC fiscal transparency modules have commenced. A few
countries have also undertaken independent assessments. Such assessments
are based primarily on completed fiscal transparency questionnaires.
While the Manual has provided a sufficient basis for country authorities
in some cases to respond fully to the questions posed, in other cases
expert help has been required to complete questionnaires. Such help
is likely to be even more important when it comes to drawing up action
plans in response to shortcomings that might be identified in ROSCs
and with implementing measures included in those plans. Thus, the
availability of the Manual notwithstanding, it is recognized that
the provision of technical assistance—from the IMF, other international
organizations, or bilateral government agencies—is an essential
component of the effort to promote fiscal transparency through the
implementation of the Code.
Box 1. Basic Requirements
of Fiscal Transparency
I. Clarity of Roles and Responsibilities
The structure and functions of government should be clearly
specified. An institutional table should be published showing
the structure of government and the rest of the public sector.
Relations between the government and nongovernment public sector
agencies (i.e., the central bank, public financial institutions,
and nonfinancial public enterprises) should be based on clear
arrangements. Links between fiscal and monetary operations
of the central bank should meet the requirements of Sections 1.2
and 1.3 of the Code of Good Practices on Transparency in Monetary
and Financial Policies—Declaration of Principles. The annual
reports of public financial institutions and nonfinancial public
enterprises should indicate the noncommercial services that
the government requires them to provide. Privatization of government
assets should be open to independent audit.
II. Public Availability of Information
The budget documentation, final accounts, and other fiscal
reports for the public should cover all budgetary and extrabudgetary
activities of the central government, and the consolidated fiscal
position of the central government should be provided. Detailed
statements should be provided for all extrabudgetary funds.
Statements describing the nature and fiscal significance of
central government contingent liabilities and tax expenditures,
and of quasi-fiscal activities, should be part of the budget
documentation. Such statements should indicate the public
policy purpose of each provision, its duration, and the intended
beneficiaries. Where possible, major provisions should be quantified.
The central government should publish full information on the
level and composition of its debt and financial assets.
Where subnational levels of government are significant, their
combined fiscal position and the consolidated fiscal position
of the general government should be published. Subnational
levels of governments should also report publicly on their extrabudgetary
activities, debt and financial assets, contingent liabilities,
and tax expenditures, and on the quasi-fiscal activities of
public financial institutions and nonfinancial public enterprises
under their control.
The publication of fiscal information should be a legal obligation
of government.
III. Open Budget Preparation, Execution, and Reporting
The annual budget should be prepared and presented within a
comprehensive and consistent quantitative macroeconomic framework,
and the main assumptions underlying the budget should be provided.
This information should be provided in a background paper
that is part of the budget documentation.
Budget data should be reported on a gross basis, distinguishing
revenue, expenditure, and financing, with expenditure classified
by economic, functional, and administrative category. Data on
extrabudgetary activities should be reported on the same basis.
The GFS or another widely accepted classification system
should be used.
There should be a comprehensive, integrated accounting system
which provides a reliable basis for assessing payment arrears.
Cash accounting reports should be supplemented by accounts-based
reports of bills due for payment to assess arrears.
A mid-year report on budget developments should be presented
to the legislature within three months of the mid-year.
More frequent (at least quarterly) reports should also be published.
Details of central government debt and financial assets should
be published annually, within six months of the end of the fiscal
Final accounts should be presented to the legislature within
a year of the end of the fiscal year. The coverage of final
accounts, and the timing of their presentation, should be specified
in the budget law.
IV. Assurances of Integrity
Budget data should reflect recent revenue and expenditure trends,
underlying macroeconomic developments, and well-defined policy
commitments. Summary information on revenue forecasts and
expenditure estimates should be provided in a background paper
that is part of the budget documentation, and detailed supporting
information should be available for independent scrutiny.
The annual budget and final accounts should indicate the accounting
basis (e.g., cash or accrual) and standards used in the compilation
and presentation of budget data. Reference should be made
to the recognized or generally accepted accounting standards
that are followed (e.g., International Public Sector Accounting
Specific assurances should be provided as to the quality of
fiscal data. In particular, it should be indicated whether data
in fiscal reports are internally consistent and have been reconciled
with relevant data from other sources. Final accounts should
be fully reconciled with budget appropriations, and each should
be reconciled with GFS fiscal reports. The change in the stock
of debt (and financial assets) should be reconciled with the
reported budget balance. A background paper should be included
with the budget documentation which analyses the difference
between budget forecasts of the main macroeconomic and fiscal
aggregates and the outturn for recent years. There should be
rigorous reconciliation of fiscal and monetary data, and where
reconciliation processes are weak, this should be drawn to public
attention (e.g., in audit reports) in a timely manner. Countries
should participate in the GDDS.
A national audit body or equivalent organization, which is
independent of the executive, should provide timely reports
for the legislature and public on the financial integrity of
government accounts. Such a body should be set up under law.
There should be mechanisms to help ensure that remedial action
is taken in response to adverse findings in external audit reports.
Box 2. Best Practices of
Fiscal Transparency
I. Clarity of Roles and Responsibilities
There should be full compliance with SNA definitions of economic
Relevant disclosure and transparency requirements of Principle
IV of the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance should
be observed by public financial institutions and nonfinancial
public enterprises.
OECD Policy Recommendations on Regulatory Reform dealing
with the transparency of regulations should be fully implemented.
OECD-PUMA principles for managing ethics in the public sector
should be observed.
II. Public Availability of Information
Aggregate fiscal projections for 5-10 years ahead should be
provided in the budget documentation.
Contingent liabilities should be disclosed in the annual budget,
the mid-year report to the legislature and the final accounts;
they should be classified by category; and information on the
past calls on the government to meet contingent liabilities
should be disclosed (item 2.6 of the OECD Best Practices
for Budget Transparency).
The estimated cost of all tax expenditure items should be provided
in the budget documentation. To the extent possible, discussion
of tax expenditures and general expenditure should be combined
(item 2.2 of the OECD Best Practices for Budget Transparency).
Reporting on quasi-fiscal activities should include quantified
estimates of their fiscal significance, and information should
be provided on the basis for quantification.
A government balance sheet should be published as part of the
budget documentation. It should ideally cover financial liabilities
and assets, and nonfinancial assets, of government. Where nonfinancial
assets are not covered, a register of nonfinancial assets should
be maintained, and a listing of nonfinancial assets should be
provided in the budget documentation.
SDDS requirements relating to the provision of information
on central government debt and to the commitments made in advance
release date calendars should be met.
Either comprehensive fiscal data should be compiled
by all levels of government using a uniform classification and
a consolidated general government financial position should
be presented with the annual central government budget, or
subnational levels of government that are independent fiscal
agencies should observe the same standard of fiscal transparency
as the central government.
Public availability of wide range of fiscal information (including
official policy papers), with clearly specified and justified
exceptions, should be required by law.
III. Open Budget Preparation, Execution, and Reporting
Presentation of a prebudget report no later than one month
prior to the tabling of the annual budget, stating the government's
medium-term economic and fiscal intentions, and highlighting
the total revenue, expenditure, the deficit or surplus, and
debt (item 1.2 of the OECD Best Practices for Budget
Transparency). Presentation of the draft budget to the legislature
no less than 3 months prior to the start of the fiscal year,
and approval of the budget prior to the start of the fiscal
year (item 1.1 of the OECD Best Practices for Budget Transparency).
A long-term report assessing the sustainability
of current fiscal policies should be published every five years
(item 1.7 of the OECD Best Practices for Budget Transparency).
A comprehensive, rolling medium-term budget framework should
be published as a central basis of fiscal management.
The estimated fiscal effects of all proposed central government
legislation, including the cost implications for subnational
levels of government, should be made publicly available.
A statement of fiscal risks should be included in the budget
documentation as a basis for assessing the budget's reliability
as a guide to likely fiscal outcomes.
Transactions should be classified by activity or output, and
by program or outcome. Detailed financial and nonfinancial performance
information for all outputs/activities and programs/outcomes,
together with comparable information for the previous year,
should be part of the budget documentation.
The accounting system should have the capacity for accounting
and reporting on an accrual basis, as well as for generating
cash reports.
The mid-year budget report should be presented to the legislature
within six weeks of the mid-year (item 1.4 of the OECD Best
Practices for Budget Transparency).
A monthly budget report should be published with a lag of a
Central government debt (and debt service projections) should
be reported quarterly, with a lag of a quarter.
Reliable information on the general government outturn should
be presented within twelve months of year end.
Final accounts should be presented to the legislature within
six months of the end of the fiscal year.
Results achieved relative to all performance targets should
be independently audited and presented to the legislature within
six months of the end of the fiscal year.
IV. Assurances of Integrity
Mechanisms should be set up to provide for openness of the
standard setting process for government accounting and financial
reporting, and for its independence from government.
Fiscal forecasts and outturns should be reconciled and all
significant differences should be explained.
A national audit body, or equivalent organization, should report
to the legislature and the public on all matters relating to
fiscal policy integrity and transparency.
Institutional mechanisms should be established to provide the
public with independent assurance that macroeconomic and fiscal
forecasts are of high quality.
1 See IMF (1998a).
2 A draft
of the Manual was posted on the website in November 1998 and was replaced
by the current version of the Manual in April 1999.
3 See http://0-www-imf-org.library.svsu.edu/external/standards/index.htm.
4 ROSC fiscal
transparency modules, which were first published in March 1999, have
made the summary self-evaluation report redundant and it has been taken
off the external website.
5 A number
of technical terms are italicized on first usage and defined in the
6 From here
on, the Code refers to the revised Code of Good Practices
on Fiscal Transparency.
7 See OECD
(2000) at http://www.olis.oecd.org/olis/2000doc.nsf/87fae4004d4fa67ac125685d005300b3/ c125692700623b74c1256a4d005c23be?OpenDocument.
8 The SDDS,
GDDS, and the monetary and financial transparency code are also available
on the Standards and Codes website.