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The IMF and Civil Society

Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Strauss-Kahn speaks to press in Paris: "Now I'm the designated managing director for reform." (photo: Eugene Salazar/IMF)

New Managing Director Arrives

December 6 2007

Former French Finance Minister Dominique Strauss-Kahn assumed the post of IMF Managing Director in November. Former IMF Managing Director Rodrigo Rato had announced his intention in late June to leave the Fund.

In a statement following his September appointment, Strauss-Kahn said he was “determined to pursue without delay the reforms needed for the IMF to make financial stability serve the international community, while fostering growth and employment.” Since taking office, Strauss-Kahn has launched an internal reform effort aimed at tackling what he describes as “the twin issues of the Fund's relevance and legitimacy, and the Fund's financial soundness.”

He indicated in a newspaper interview in early December that the planned restructuring could involve budget savings of around $100 million per year and staff reductions in the 300-400 range. The IMF currently has more than 2,600 staff.

In his first exchanges with civil society organizations Strauss-Kahn has indicated that he believes that CSOs play an important role, particularly in low-income countries, and that he looks forward to engagement with a range of voices representing civil society.

Strauss-Kahn holds a PhD in economics from the University of Paris. He has been a member of the French National Assembly and is Professor of Economics at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris. He served as Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industry and as Minister of Industry and International Trade. He also worked in the private sector as a corporate lawyer.