Why do we need the IMF?
Smoothing the bumps in the flow of foreign exchange

Establish New Industries

Change the world as we know it... You can try to compete internationally by starting new industries that take special advantage of the natural resources and skilled labor available in Yak. You think that hydrogen-powered cell phones are just the thing. If you produce them in Yak, then you won't have to import so many phones from other countries.

To get this industry going, you need to import equipment and expertise from outside the country, financed with...hard currency. But the head of your central bank reminds you that your whole problem is that there isn't enough hard currency.

How will you get the hard currency to upgrade your industries?

Ask rich countries such as Zedland to give it to you.
Try to borrow it from other countries. Work to convince foreign investors to put money into Yak's industries.
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