International Monetary Fund

The Road to Istanbul

IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings 2009


'Istanbul Decisions' to Guide IMF as Countries Shape Post-Crisis World

IMF Chief Strauss-Kahn tells policymakers from 186 countries gathered in Istanbul that global cooperation has saved the world from a far worse crisis and leaders should now seize the opportunity to shape a post-crisis world.
Strauss-Kahn Speech »
Press Release »


IMF Countries Back Recovery Moves, Governance Reforms

A key policy committee of the IMF, meeting in Istanbul with the world economy now on a recovery path, committed to maintaining stimulative policies until recovery is assured and backed moves to reform country representation at the 186-member Fund.
Read the Communiqué »


Global Financial System Shows Signs of Recovery, IMF Says

After a deep recession, global economic growth has turned positive, driven by wide-ranging, coordinated public intervention that has supported demand and reduced uncertainty and systemic risk in financial markets.

Read the Research (WEO) »


Global Recovery Under Way but Likely to Be Slow, Says IMF

Risks to the global financial system have subsided as a result of unprecedented policy actions and, more recently, a nascent global economic recovery, according to the IMF’s latest Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR).

Read the Research (GFSR) »


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On the Agenda: Resolving Crisis, Building Recovery

Recovery from Crisis
Where is the global economy headed? We'll examine economic prospects and discuss with our members and stakeholders ways to strengthen the global financial system.

Financial Support to Our Members
The IMF stepped up lending to countries hit hard by the economic crisis. With our members, we'll take a look at how these loan programs are working and explore ways to help hasten a return to growth.

Protecting the Poor
Discussions will focus on simplifying and bolstering loan programs for poor countries.

A Changing IMF
We'll discuss ways to enhance our effectiveness and to ensure our legitimacy as an international organization with near universal membership.

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Building a Stronger Global Economy apretar para más información

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