François Gianviti

List of Selected Publications by François Gianviti


Textbook on Property Law (1984) and chapters on the Rule of Law in Introduction to Law (1983).

Articles on monetary law or the IMF

"Réflexions sur l'article VIII, Section 2 (b) des Statuts du Fonds monétaire international," Revue critique de droit international privé, 1973, pp. 471-487, 629-661.

"Le rôle du Fonds monétaire international dans le financement du déficit pétrolier," in La crise de l'énergie et le droit international, Société française pour le droit international, Pédone 1976, pp. 227-267.

"Le blocage des avoirs officiels iraniens par les Etats-Unis (executive order du 14 novembre 1979)," Revue critique de droit international privé, 1980, pp.279-303.

"Le contrôle des changes étranger devant le juge national," Revue critique de droit international privé, 1980, pp. 479-502, 659-703.

"Garantie de change et réévaluation monétaire: l'affaire de l'emprunt Young (sentence du 16 mai 1980 du Tribunal d'arbitrage des dettes extérieures allemandes)," Annuaire français de droit international, 1980, pp. 250-273.

Commentaries on French Courts' decisions on civil effects of exchange control regulations, published in Journal du droit international, 1981, pp. 827-836, and Revue critique de droit international privé, 1984, pp. 460-476.

"Las Cláusulas de Indexation en el Derecho Francés," Juridica No 16, 1984, pp. 363-371.

"The International Monetary Fund and External Debt," Academy of International Law, Recueil des cours — The Hague, 1989, III, p. 205.

"The Fund Agreement in the Courts" in Current Legal Issues Affecting Central Banks, Vol. 1, IMF, 1992, pp. 1-13.

"International Monetary Law" in Current Legal Issues Affecting Central Banks, Vol. 2, IMF, 1994, pp. 1-8.

"Members' Rights and Obligations Under the IMF's Articles of Agreement: The Role of Practice in the Interpretation of an Organization's Charter" in Current Legal Issues Affecting Central Banks, Vol. 3, IMF, 1995, pp. 1-13.

"The Third Amendment to the IMF's Articles of Agreement," ibid., pp. 14-17.

"Les rapports entre l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce et le Fonds monétaire international," in La réorganisation mondiale des échanges, Société française pour le droit international, Pédone 1996, pp. 75-86.

"Relations between the IMF and EMU," in EMU and the International Monetary System, IMF, 1997, pp. 539-542.

"The IMF and the Liberalization of Capital Markets," Houston Journal of International Law, 1997, pp. 773-783.

"Some Specific Legal Features of the International Monetary Fund" (Financial Assistance and State Succession) in Current Legal Issues Affecting Central Banks, Vol. 4, IMF, 1997, pp. 1-15.

"Special Drawing Rights" in Current Legal Issues Affecting Central Banks, Vol. 5, IMF, 1998, pp. 1-15.

"The International Monetary Fund and the Liberalization of Capital Movements", in Current Developments in Monetary and Financial Law, Vol.1, IMF, 1999, pp. 1-16.

"Decision Making in the International Monetary Fund," ibid., pp. 31-67.

"The Reform of the International Monetary Fund (Conditionality and Surveillance)" in The International Lawyer, 2000, pp. 107-116.

"The Prevention and Resolution of International Financial Crises: A Perspective from the International Monetary Fund," in International Monetary Law, Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 97-109.

"Economic, Social and Cultural Human Rights and the International Monetary Fund", to be published by Oxford University Press.

"The Provision of Information to the Fund", to be published in Current Developments in Monetary and Financial Law,Vol. 2, IMF.

"The Liberalization of Capital Movements — A Possible Role for the Fund," ibid.

"Evolving Role and Challenges for the IMF", to be published by Southern Methodist University.

Lectures and Conferences

Universities: Strasbourg, Amsterdam, Leuven, Messina, Luigi Bocconi (Milan), King's College (London), Nice, Institute of Advanced Studies (London University), Southern Methodist University (Dallas), Mexico City.

Société française pour le droit international

American Foreign Law Association

American Bar Association

IMF seminars for central bank legal advisors (1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000).