International Monetary Fund

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WEO Data Forum > Military Expenditures Data

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egemen_ipek Military Expenditures Data
i need data about military expenditures for Turkey-Israel-Egypt- Jordan between 1980 to 2007 in three formats (in local currency at current prices, in constant (x year) USD, and as a share of the GDP)
i visited Sipri web site but they have data since 1988.

i need your help
9/22/2008 5:44:29 AM
WEOModerator RE: Military Expenditures Data
Unfortunately, we do not have the data you are looking for. All of the data that can be released to the public are already incorporated into the WEO online database.

Please check back again later; hopefully other users of the WEO Data Forum have suggestions for you.

9/22/2008 9:55:06 AM