International Monetary Fund

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WEO Data Forum > Information about world imports

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paulapatti Information about world imports
I would like to obtain annual data from 1990 up 2007 about world imports, I need the value of the total world imports (I mean from all the countries) year by year from 1990. It's for an investigation. Thank you very much.
Paula Patti.
9/6/2008 1:44:15 PM
WEOmoderator RE: Information about world imports
Thank you for your question. World import volume of goods and services and import volume of goods can be accessed by the WEO online database. The data is only available at the aggregate level not at the country level.

For country group data (World, advanced, emerging, etc.), please click on "By Country Groups (aggregated data) and commodity prices" from the WEO April '08 Database homepage.

The IMF does have other statistical publications, such as the International Financial Statistics that provides data. You may want to inquire about getting their data on a CD by sending them an e-mail at For more IMF data, see the Data and Statistics section of the IMF website."

Hope this helps.

9/8/2008 8:45:57 AM