International Monetary Fund

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WEO Data Forum > GDP at PPP at current and constant prices

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Joanna GDP at PPP at current and constant prices
Is it possible to convert the GDP per capita figure based on PPP to a constant prices figure by dividing GDP at constant prices by the implied PPP conversion rate, and then dividing it by the population figure? Or is the GDP per capita based on PPP already a constant prices figure? I am worried about adjusting for inflation twice. Thanks
7/15/2008 3:11:40 AM
WEOModerator Re : GDP at PPP at current and constant prices
Joanna, thank you for your question.

One way to convert the GDP per capita in current PPP dollars into constant prices is to do the following:

1) Select a base year, possibly common to all countries to allow for aggregation--say 2000.

2) Take the GDP per capita in current PPP dollars for your sample for this base year.
2000 Level of Series: Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) per capita GDP (Current international dollar)

3) Apply the growth rates of GDP per capita in constant LCU forwards and backwards to the GDP per capita in current PPP dollars to extend the series.
Growth rates of Series: Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices (National currency)

I hope this is clear. Let us know if you need further clarification.

7/16/2008 9:06:37 AM