International Monetary Fund

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WEO Data Forum > Looking for quarterly Data and IPI...

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Bertiboy Looking for quarterly Data and IPI...
Hello you,

might be a typical newbie-question at all, but:
I´m currently looking for data to analyze MERCOSUR.
Most papers I read regarding this topic declare their data to be from the IMF.
Nevertheless they use quarterly data which I could not find on the webpage.
Also they rather use Industrial Production Index instead of full GDP-information for beeing less affected by seasonal trends etc.

So, if any one can help, where I could find quarterly data on GDP, IPI, inflation and unemployment in these countries I´d really appreciate a note!
Thanks a lot
6/24/2008 6:02:04 AM
WEOModerator Re : Looking for quarterly Data and IPI...
Bert, thank you for your interest in the WEO database.

Unfortunately, we only provide annual data on our database. The IMF does have other statistical publications, such as the International Financial Statistics that provide data on a quarterly basis. You may want to inquire about getting their data on a CD by sending them an e-mail at For more IMF data, see the Data and Statistics section of the IMF website.

As for IPI, inflation, and unemployment data, we do have this data in some of our figures in the latest WEO April 2008 publication, most of the time in quarterly frequency. We do provide the underlying data to all WEO figures from the publication's webpage. See this thread for an example.

7/2/2008 11:40:31 AM