International Monetary Fund

IMFDiscussion Forums

WEO Data Forum > USA versus "Rest of world"

AuthorMessagePosted on
luciana379 USA versus "Rest of world"
Would it be possible to obtain real GDP growth data for the US versus the Rest of the World? I can only get the world data including the US :(
5/9/2008 1:20:43 PM
WEOModerator Re : USA versus "Rest of world"
You are correct that we do not have this country group on our database. But given the methodology described in aggregating data provided in our FAQ page, you should be able to create this group aggregate yourself.

Hope this helps,
5/9/2008 1:55:02 PM
Aenk Re : USA versus "Rest of world"
I found this data on the official CIA website. This information is absolutely legal.
5/22/2008 5:05:42 AM