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WEO Data Forum > real vs. nominal commodity prices

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ggertz real vs. nominal commodity prices
I am trying to find real price data for rice, maize, and wheat, 1980-current. Do the individual commodity price indexes in the WEO April 2008 database give real or nominal prices? If these are not inflation-adjusted, can you suggest what the appropriate deflator would be? Thanks a lot.
4/24/2008 10:39:49 AM
WEOmoderator Re : real vs. nominal commodity prices
The commodity prices in the WEO database are all nominal.

As for potential deflators, here are a couple that have been used in a WEO:
1) In Figure 5.4 of the April 2008 WEO, commodity prices are deflated by manufactures unit value (MUV) from UNCTAD's Handbook of Statistics database at (see Chapter 5's appendix for more info).
2) In Figure 5.2 of the September 2006 WEO, commodity prices are deflated by U.S. CPI in addition to MUV. I presume U.S. CPI data were used since they are available from 1957 - you could use World CPI data instead if you are only interested in going back to 1980.
4/24/2008 2:34:51 PM