International Monetary Fund

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WEO Data Forum > Gross Domestic Product based on PPP per capita GDP

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maricarmen Gross Domestic Product based on PPP per capita GDP
From the WEO database for April 2008 and October 2007 I got the following results for Gross Domestic Product based on PPP per capita GDP:

China: April2008 = 5869.5
October 2007 = 8788.2

India: April 2008 = 2886.1
October 2007 = 4684.4

Guinea: April 2008 = 1115.2
October 2007 = 2438.3

and so on.

Which is the reason for this variations?
4/18/2008 11:37:19 AM
WEOmoderator RE: Gross Domestic Product based on PPP per capita GDP
Thank you for your interest in the WEO data. The IMF uses PPP exchange rates provided by the ICP as the basis for calculating the relative sizes of economies. The ICP revisions imply a substantial reduction in the PPP rates of some key emerging market countries and an upward revision in others (including oil exporters). The new weights is discussed in this IMF Survey article.

4/18/2008 12:46:19 PM