International Monetary Fund

IMFDiscussion Forums

WEO Data Forum > Quarterley Real GDP Growth????

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Phileas Fogg Quarterley Real GDP Growth????
Hi there,

I am looking for quaterley real GDP growth for the G8 countries. Please can you advise??


7/9/2008 2:03:23 PM
WEOmoderator RE: Quarterley Real GDP Growth????
Tom, Thank you for your interest in the WEO database.
A similar question was answered, please see

"Unfortunately, we only provide annual data on our database. The IMF does have other statistical publications, such as the International Financial Statistics that provide data on a quarterly basis. You may want to inquire about getting their data on a CD by sending them an e-mail at For more IMF data, see the Data and Statistics section of the IMF website."



7/9/2008 6:38:46 PM