2000 Annual Meetings Logo
2000 Annual Meetings Logo
2000 Annual Meetings Logo
  2000 Annual Meetings  .  Boards of Governors

International Monetary Fund
World Bank Group


September 19–28, 2000
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2000 Meetings


About the Annual and Spring Meetings

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Annual Meetings
Each autumn, the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group hold their Annual Meetings to discuss a range of issues related to poverty reduction, international economic development and finance. The Annual Meetings provide a forum for international cooperation and enable the Fund and Bank to better serve their member countries.

The Annual Meetings traditionally are held in Washington two years out of three and, in order to reflect the international character of the two institutions, every third year in a different member country. In addition to the meetings of the Boards of Governors, the Development Committee and the International Monetary and Financial Committee are officially convened.

Around these meetings, IMF and the Bank organize a number of fora to facilitate the interaction of governments and IMF-Bank staff with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), journalists, and the private sector. Indeed, every effort is made to ensure that the Annual Meetings provide an effective forum for explaining to the public - directly and through the media - the tasks, objectives, and outcomes of the work of the Bank and the IMF. In this manner, the Meetings make a major contribution to openness and transparency.

About 15,000 people attend the meetings, including about 4,000 members of delegations from the member countries of the IMF and the Bank, roughly 1,500 representatives of the media, and more than 5,000 visitors and special guests drawn primarily from private business, the banking community and NGOs. In addition, IMF and Bank staff participate in the meetings with officials of government delegations.

Spring Meetings
Each Spring, the joint IMF-Bank Development Committee and the IMF's International Financial and Monetary Committee hold meetings to discuss progress on the work of the Fund and Bank. As with the Annual Meetings, a number of activities are organized to involve the press, NGOs, and the private sector. There is no plenary session of the IMF and the Bank's Boards of Governors scheduled during the Spring.

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