IMF Executive Board Calendar Archive

This list includes formal meetings and seminars. A list of
scheduled meetings is also available.

Last Update: September 26, 2024 16:35:25 ET

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December 22, 2022 
Country: Guinea

Title: Guinea - 2022 - Article IV Consultation and Food Shock Window Request
Country: Chad

Title: Chad - 1st and 2nd ECF Reviews
December 21, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Niger

Title: Niger - 2022 Article IV Consultation, Second Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement, and Requests for a Waiver of Nonobservance of Performance Criterion and Modification of Performance Criteria
Country: Georgia

Title: Georgia - First Review Under the Stand-By Arrangement
Country: Jordan

Title: Jordan - Fifth Review Under the Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility and Request for Modification of Performance Criteria
December 20, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Title: Democratic Republic of the Congo - Third Review under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement
Title: Central African Economic and Monetary Community - Common Policies of Member Countries, and Common Policies in Support of Member Countries Reform Programs
December 19, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Kenya

Title: Kenya - Fourth Reviews Under the Extended Fund Facility & Credit Fund Facility Arrangements
Country: Ukraine

Title: Ukraine - Program Monitoring with Board Involvement (PMB)
Country: Serbia, Republic of

Title: Republic of Serbia - Third Review of the Policy Consultation Instrument, Request for a Stand-by Arrangement
December 16, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Egypt, Arab Republic of

Title: Arab Republic of Egypt - Request for Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility
December 14, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Ecuador

Title: Ecuador - Sixth Review Under the Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility and Financing Assurances Review
Country: Gambia, The

Title: The Gambia - Fifth Review Under the Extended Credit Facility
Country: Benin

Title: Benin - First Reviews Under the Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility and the Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility
December 12, 2022Go to top of page
Title: Review of the Adequacy of the Fund’s Precautionary Balances
Country: Rwanda

Title: Rwanda - Request for a New 36-Month Policy Coordination Instrument and an Arrangement Under the Resilience and Sustainability Facility
Country: Armenia, Republic of

Title: Republic of Armenia - Request for a Stand-By Arrangement
December 07, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Barbados

Title: Barbados - Request for an Extended Fund Facility and a Resilience and Sustainability Facility
Country: Albania

Title: Albania - 2022-Article IV Consultation
Country: Namibia

Title: Namibia - 2022 Article IV Consultation
Title: Safeguards Assessments—Review of Experience
December 05, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Somalia

Title: Somalia - Article IV and Fourth Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement
Country: Canada

Title: Canada - 2022 Article IV Consultation
December 02, 2022Go to top of page
Title: Statement by the Managing Director on the Work Program of Executive Board
December 01, 2022Go to top of page
Title: Macroeconomic Developments and Prospects in Low-Income Countries
November 30, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Mongolia

Title: Mongolia - 2022 Article IV Consultation
November 28, 2022Go to top of page
Country: India

Title: India - 2022 Article IV Consultation
November 23, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Cambodia

Title: Cambodia - 2022 Article IV Consultation
Country: Maldives

Title: Maldives - 2022 Article IV consultation
November 21, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Malawi

Title: Malawi - Request for a Disbursement Under the Rapid Credit Facility – Food Shock Window—and for a Staff Monitored Program with Executive Board Involvement
Country: Mozambique, Republic of

Title: Republic of Mozambique - First Review under the Extended Credit Facility
November 14, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Costa Rica

Title: Costa Rica - Third Review Under Extended Fund Facility and Resilience and Sustainability Facility Request
Country: St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Title: St. Vincent and the Grenadines - 2022 Article IV Consultation
November 02, 2022Go to top of page
Title: Twelfth Periodic Monitoring Report on the Status of Management Implementation Plans in Response to Board-endorsed IEO Recommendations
Country: Mexico

Title: Mexico - 2022 Article IV Consultation
October 07, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Ukraine

Title: Ukraine - Restricted Meeting
September 29, 2022Go to top of page
Title: World Economic Outlook; Global Financial Stability Report; Fiscal Monitor
September 26, 2022Go to top of page
Title: Independent Evaluation Office – IEO Evaluation of IMF Capacity Development
September 21, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Moldova, Republic of

Title: Republic of Moldova - First Review Under the Extended Credit Facility and Extended Fund Facility Arrangements
Country: Romania

Title: Romania - 2022 Article IV Consultation
September 14, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Norway

Title: Norway - 2022 Article IV Consultation
September 12, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Madagascar, Republic of

Title: Republic of Madagascar - Second Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement
September 07, 2022Go to top of page
Country: St. Lucia

Title: St. Lucia - 2022 Article IV Consultation
August 31, 2022Go to top of page
Country: São Tomé and Príncipe, Democratic Republic of

Title: Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe - Fifth Review Under the Extended Credit Facility
Country: Thailand

Title: Thailand - 2022 Article IV Consultation
Country: Zambia

Title: Zambia - Request for an Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility
Country: Guyana

Title: Guyana - 2022 Article IV Consultation
August 29, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Pakistan

Title: Pakistan - Combined Seventh and Eighth Reviews Under the Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility; Request for Waivers of Nonobservance of Performance Criteria, and For Extension, Augmentation, and Rephasing of Access
Country: Estonia, Republic of

Title: Republic of Estonia - 2022 Article IV Consultation
August 24, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Liberia

Title: Liberia - 2022 Article IV and 4th ECF Review
July 29, 2022Go to top of page
Country: South Sudan, Republic of

Title: Republic of South Sudan - 2022 Article IV Consultation
July 27, 2022Go to top of page
Title: Eastern Caribbean Currency Union - Discussion on Common Policies of Member Countries
Country: Italy

Title: Italy - 2022 Article IV Consultation
Country: Saudi Arabia

Title: Saudi Arabia - 2022 Article IV Consultation
July 25, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Cameroon

Title: Cameroon - Second Reviews Under the Extended Credit Facility and the Extended Fund Facility Arrangements, and Requests for Waivers for Performance Criteria Applicability and Modification of Performance Criterion
Country: Equatorial Guinea, Republic of

Title: Republic of Equatorial Guinea - Article IV Consultation
July 22, 2022Go to top of page
Title: Gender Mainstreaming Strategy
Title: 2022 External Sector Report
July 20, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Azerbaijan, Republic of

Title: Republic of Azerbaijan - 2022 Article IV Consultation
Country: Burundi

Title: Burundi - 2022 Article IV Consultation
July 18, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Tanzania, United Republic of

Title: United Republic of Tanzania - Request for a Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility
Country: Germany

Title: Germany - 2022 - Article IV Consultation
Country: Kenya

Title: Kenya - Third Reviews Under the Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility and Under the Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility, Requests for Modification of Quantitative Performance Criteria, and Waiver of Applicability for Performance Criteria Under the Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility
July 15, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Tonga

Title: Tonga - 2022 Article IV Consultation
Country: Panama

Title: Panama - 2nd Review under the PLL
Country: Singapore

Title: Singapore - 2022 Article IV Consultation
July 11, 2022Go to top of page
Country: United States

Title: United States - 2022 Article IV Consultation
July 08, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Benin

Title: Benin - 2022 Article IV Consultation and Requests for an Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility and an Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility
July 01, 2022Go to top of page
Title: Review of the Fund's Policy on Multiple Currency Practices - Proposals for Reform
Country: Ireland

Title: Ireland - 2022 - Article IV Consultation
June 29, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Niger

Title: Niger - First Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement and Request for Modification of Performance Criteria
Country: Jordan

Title: Jordan - 2022 Article IV Consultation and Fourth Review Under the Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility and Request for Modification of Performance Criteria
Country: Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Title: Democratic Republic of the Congo - 2022 Article IV Consultation and Second Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement
Country: Seychelles

Title: Seychelles - 2022 Article IV Consultation and Second Review Under the Extended Fund Facility Arrangement
June 27, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Gabon

Title: Gabon - First and Second Reviews of the Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility
Country: Sierra Leone

Title: Sierra Leone - 2022 Article IV and 5th ECF Review
June 24, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Congo, Republic of

Title: Republic of Congo - First Review and Financing Assurances Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement
Country: Serbia, Republic of

Title: Republic of Serbia - Second Review under the Policy Coordination Instrument
June 23, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Portugal

Title: Portugal - 2021 Article IV Consultation
June 22, 2022Go to top of page
Title: Central African Economic and Monetary Community - Review of Common Policies in Support of Member Countries Reform Programs
Country: Senegal

Title: Senegal - Fifth Review Under the Policy Coordination Instrument and Second Reviews Under the Stand-By Arrangement and the Arrangement Under the Standby Credit Facility
Country: Rwanda

Title: Rwanda - Sixth Review Under the Policy Coordination Instrument
June 17, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Somalia

Title: Somalia - Second and Third Reviews Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement
Country: Guinea-Bissau

Title: Guinea-Bissau - 2022 Article IV and Third Review Under the Staff-Monitored Program
June 15, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Cabo Verde

Title: Cabo Verde - Request for an Extended Credit Facility Arrangement
Country: Georgia

Title: Georgia - Request for Stand-By Arrangement
Country: Uzbekistan, Republic of

Title: Republic of Uzbekistan - 2022 Article IV Consultation
June 13, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Papua New Guinea

Title: Papua New Guinea - 2022 Article IV and SMP Review
Country: Denmark

Title: Denmark - 2022 Article IV Consultation
June 10, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Gambia, The

Title: The Gambia - Fourth Review under the Extended Credit Facility
Country: Switzerland

Title: Switzerland - 2022 Article IV Consultation
Country: Paraguay

Title: Paraguay - 2022 Article IV Consultation
June 08, 2022Go to top of page
Title: Statement by the Managing Director on the Work Program of Executive Board
Country: Greece

Title: Greece - 2022 Article IV Consultation
June 06, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Vietnam

Title: Vietnam - 2022 Article IV Consultation
June 03, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Title: Bosnia and Herzegovina - 2022 Article IV Consultation
June 01, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Lesotho, Kingdom of

Title: Kingdom of Lesotho - 2022 Article IV Consultation
May 27, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Qatar

Title: Qatar - 2022 Article IV Consultation
May 25, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Cyprus

Title: Cyprus - 2022 Article IV Consultation
May 13, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Bhutan

Title: Bhutan - 2022 Article IV Consultation
May 11, 2022Go to top of page
Country: New Zealand

Title: New Zealand - 2022 Article IV Consultation
May 06, 2022Go to top of page
Title: IEO Evaluation of IMF Engagement in Small Developing States
May 04, 2022Go to top of page
Title: Reviews of the Fund's Sovereign Arrears Policies and Perimeter
Country: Bahamas, The

Title: The Bahamas - 2022 Article IV Consultation
Country: Grenada

Title: Grenada - 2022 Article IV Consultation
April 29, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Peru

Title: Peru - 2022 Article IV Consultation
April 13, 2022Go to top of page
Title: Proposal to Establish a Resilience and Sustainability Trust
April 11, 2022Go to top of page
Title: World Economic Outlook; Global Financial Stability Report; Fiscal Monitor
April 06, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Malaysia

Title: Malaysia - 2022 Article IV Consultation
April 04, 2022Go to top of page
Title: Review of the Adequacy of PRGT Resources
Country: Kazakhstan, Republic of

Title: Republic of Kazakhstan - 2021 Article IV Consultation
April 01, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Japan

Title: Japan - 2022 Article IV Consultation
March 30, 2022Go to top of page
Country: São Tomé and Príncipe, Democratic Republic of

Title: Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe - 2022- Article IV Consultation and Fourth ECF Review
March 25, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Argentina

Title: Argentina - 2022 Article IV Consultation and Request for an Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility
Country: Costa Rica

Title: Costa Rica - First and Second Reviews Under the Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility, Extension of the Arrangement, and Rephasing of Purchases
Country: Colombia

Title: Colombia - 2022 Article IV Consultation
March 23, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Suriname

Title: Suriname - First Review of an Extended Arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility
March 21, 2022Go to top of page
Title: Review of the Institutional View on the Liberalization and Management of Capital Flows
Country: Zimbabwe

Title: Zimbabwe - 2021 Article IV Consultation
March 18, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Korea, Republic of

Title: Republic of Korea - 2022 Article IV Consultation
March 16, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Israel

Title: Israel - 2022 Article IV Consultation
March 14, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Kuwait

Title: Kuwait - 2021 Article IV Consultation
Title: Review of Data Provision to the Fund for Surveillance Purposes
March 11, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Indonesia

Title: Indonesia - 2022 Article IV Consultation
March 09, 2022Go to top of page
Title: IMF Strategy for Fragile and Conflict affected States
Country: Uganda

Title: Uganda - 2021 Article IV Consultation and First Review Under the Extended Credit Facility
March 07, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Madagascar, Republic of

Title: Republic of Madagascar - First Review under the ECF arrangement
March 02, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Bangladesh

Title: Bangladesh - Article IV and Post Financing Assessment
Country: Lao People's Democratic Republic

Title: Lao People's Democratic Republic - 2021 Article IV Consultation
February 28, 2022Go to top of page
Title: Tenth Review of the IMF's Data Standards Initiatives
February 25, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Sri Lanka

Title: Sri Lanka - 2021 Article IV Consultation
February 23, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Cameroon

Title: Cameroon - 2021- Article IV Consultation and First Review Under the ECF and EFF Arrangements
Country: Djibouti

Title: Djibouti - 2021 Article IV Consultation
February 18, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Poland, Republic of

Title: Republic of Poland - 2021 Article IV Consultation
Country: Montenegro

Title: Montenegro - 2021 Article IV Consultation
February 16, 2022Go to top of page
Country: United Kingdom

Title: United Kingdom - 2021 Article IV Consultation
February 14, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Spain

Title: Spain - 2021 Article IV Consultation
Country: North Macedonia, Republic of North Macedonia

Title: Republic of North Macedonia - 2021 Article IV Consultation
February 11, 2022Go to top of page
Title: West African Economic and Monetary Union - Common Policies of Member Countries
February 09, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Trinidad and Tobago

Title: Trinidad and Tobago - 2021 Article IV Consultation
Country: Jamaica

Title: Jamaica - 2021 Article IV Consultation
February 07, 2022Go to top of page
Country: South Africa

Title: South Africa - 2021 Article IV Consultation
February 04, 2022Go to top of page
Title: Euro Area - Policies
February 02, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Nauru, Republic of

Title: Republic of Nauru - 2021 Article IV Consultation
Country: Pakistan

Title: Pakistan - 2021 Article IV Consultation, Sixth Review Under the Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility, and Requests for Waivers of Nonobservance of Performance Criteria and Rephasing of Access
Country: Dominica

Title: Dominica - 2021 Article IV Consultation
January 31, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Nigeria

Title: Nigeria - 2021 Article IV Consultation
January 26, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Finland

Title: Finland - 2021 Article IV Consultation
January 24, 2022Go to top of page
Country: El Salvador

Title: El Salvador - Article IV Consultation
Country: Czech Republic

Title: Czech Republic - 2021 Article IV Consultation
January 21, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Congo, Republic of

Title: Republic of Congo - New Extended Credit Facility Arrangement
Country: Tajikistan, Republic of

Title: Republic of Tajikistan - 2021 Article IV Consultation
January 19, 2022Go to top of page
Country: France

Title: France - 2021 Article IV Consultation
January 14, 2022Go to top of page
Country: China, People's Republic of

Title: People's Republic of China - 2021 Article IV Consultation
January 12, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Nepal

Title: Nepal - Request Under the Extended Credit Facility
January 10, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Rwanda

Title: Rwanda - 2021 Article IV Consultation and Fifth Review Under the Policy Coordination Instrument
Country: Senegal

Title: Senegal - Fourth Review Under the Policy Coordination Instrument and First Review Under the Stand-By Arrangement and Under the Standby Credit Facility and Article IV Consultation
January 07, 2022Go to top of page
Country: Solomon Islands

Title: Solomon Islands - 2021 Article IV Consultation