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Fragility, Conflict, and Macroeconomic Policy in a Shock-Prone World - Session 3: Enhancing the IMF’s Engagement in FCS | The Fund’s FCS Strategy

  • June 7, 2022


  • 1:06:54

The IMF is stepping up its engagement with fragile and conflict-affected states, including by completing its first FCS Strategy. This session will showcase the new elements of the Fund’s engagement with FCS, as articulated by the FCS Strategy.

  • Mahmoud Mohieldin, Executive Director IMF
  • Franck Bousquet, Deputy Director Institute for Capacity Development IMF
  • José Carlos Casimiro Varela, State Secretary for Budget and Tax issues Guinea Bissau
  • Abebe Aemro Selassie, Director African Department IMF
  • Kate Phillips-Barrasso, Vice President of Global Policy and Advocacy Mercy Corps
  • Masood Ahmed, President Center for Global Development