IMF Publications by Subject
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Oil, gas and mining taxes:
Title: Business Cycle with Bank Intermediation in Oil Economies
Series: Working Paper No. 2018/999
Date: October 2, 2018
Subject: Banking Commodities Economic sectors Labor Oil Oil prices Oil sector Oil, gas and mining taxes Prices Taxes
Title: Guyana: 2018 Article IV Consultation-Press Release and Staff Report
Series: Country Report No. 2018/220
Date: July 16, 2018
Subject: External debt Oil production Oil, gas and mining taxes Production Public debt Revenue administration Taxes
Title: How Public Investment Could Help Strengthen Iran’s Growth Potential: Issues and Options
Series: Working Paper No. 2018/129
Date: June 8, 2018
Subject: Commodities Consumption taxes Expenditure Oil Oil prices Oil, gas and mining taxes Prices Public investment spending Taxes
Title: Angola: Selected Issues
Series: Country Report No. 2018/157
Date: June 8, 2018
Subject: Banking Corruption Crime Expenditure Fiscal policy Oil prices Oil, gas and mining taxes Prices Public investment spending Taxes
Title: Islamic Republic of Iran: 2018 Article IV Consultation - Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Islamic Republic of Iran
Series: Country Report No. 2018/093
Date: March 29, 2018
Subject: Banking Budget planning and preparation Economic and financial statistics External sector statistics Oil, gas and mining taxes Public debt Public financial management (PFM) Revenue administration Taxes
Title: Gabon: First Review of the Extended Arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility, Requests for a Waiver for Nonobservance of Performance Criterion, and Modifications of Performance Criteria, and Financing Assurances Review-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Gabon
Series: Country Report No. 2017/408
Date: December 28, 2017
Subject: Arrears External debt Government debt management Oil, gas and mining taxes Public debt Public financial management (PFM) Revenue administration Taxes
Title: Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC): Selected Issues
Series: Country Report No. 2017/393
Date: December 19, 2017
Subject: Banking Fiscal governance Fiscal policy Fiscal stance Fiscal sustainability Oil, gas and mining taxes Public debt Taxes
Title: Islamic Republic of Iran: 2016 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Islamic Republic of Iran
Series: Country Report No. 2017/062
Date: February 27, 2017
Subject: Anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) Banking Crime Fiscal policy Inflation Oil, gas and mining taxes Prices Revenue administration Taxes
Title: Chad: Third and Fourth Reviews Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement, and Requests for Waivers of Nonobservance of Performance Criteria, Augmentation of Access, Extension of the Current Arrangement, and Rephasing of Disbursement-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Chad
Series: Country Report No. 2016/364
Date: November 28, 2016
Subject: Budget planning and preparation Commodities External debt Oil Oil, gas and mining taxes Public debt Public financial management (PFM) Taxes
Title: Ghana: Third Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement and Request for Waiver for Nonobservance of Performance Criteria, and Modifications of Performance Criteria-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Excutive Director for Ghana
Series: Country Report No. 2016/321
Date: October 3, 2016
Subject: Banking Debt rescheduling Expenditure External debt Fiscal consolidation Oil, gas and mining taxes Public debt Revenue administration Taxes