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Labor force:


Title: Slovak Republic: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix

Series: Country Report No. 2000/115

Date: September 11, 2000

Subject: Employment Labor Labor force Labor markets Unemployment

Title: United States: Selected Issues

Series: Country Report No. 2000/112

Date: September 6, 2000

Subject: Banking Labor Labor force Labor productivity Production Productivity Total factor productivity Wages

Title: Finland: Staff Report for the 2000 Article IV Consultation

Series: Country Report No. 2000/117

Date: August 31, 2000

Notes: Included with the Staff Report is the text of Public Information Notice No. 00/68 IMF Concludes Article IV Consultation with Finland

Subject: Expenditure Labor Labor force Labor markets Potential output Production Social security contributions Taxes



Title: Search Unemployment with Advance Notice

Author: Garibaldi, Pietro

Series: Working Paper No. 1998/119

Date: August 1, 1998

Subject: Job creation Labor Labor force Labor markets Unemployment Wages

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