IMF Publications by Subject
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Financial contagion:
Title: Global Contagion of Financial Reforms
Series: Working Paper No. 2024/243
Date: November 22, 2024
Subject: Economic sectors Financial contagion Financial crises Financial Sector Financial sector policy and analysis Global financial crisis of 2008-2009
Title: Cryptic Connections: Spillovers between Crypto and Equity Markets
Series: Global Financial Stability Notes No 2022/001
Date: January 11, 2022
Subject: Economic sectors Emerging and frontier financial markets Financial contagion Financial crises Financial markets Financial sector policy and analysis Market capitalization Spillovers Stock markets Technology Virtual currencies
Title: Adequacy of Fund Resources—Further Considerations
Series: Policy Paper No. 2021/008
Date: March 5, 2021
Subject: Balance of payments Capital flows Financial contagion Financial crises Financial sector policy and analysis Global financial crisis of 2008-2009 Systemic crises
Title: Interconnectedness and Contagion Analysis: A Practical Framework
Series: Working Paper No. 2019/220
Date: October 11, 2019
Subject: Banking Commercial banks Financial contagion Financial institutions Financial Sector Assessment Program Financial sector policy and analysis Stress testing Systemic risk
Title: Assessing IMF Lending: a Model of Sample Selection
Series: Working Paper No. 2019/157
Date: July 19, 2019
Subject: Capital account crisis Financial contagion Global financial crisis of 2008-2009 Public expenditure review Stress testing
Title: Evolution of the Global Financial Network and Contagion: A New Approach
Series: Working Paper No. 2018/113
Date: May 15, 2018
Subject: Balance of payments Banking Commercial banks Financial contagion Financial institutions Financial sector policy and analysis Foreign direct investment Portfolio investment Stocks
Title: Macroprudential Stress Tests: A Reduced-Form Approach to Quantifying Systemic Risk Losses
Series: Working Paper No. 2018/049
Date: March 9, 2018
Subject: Asset and liability management Asset valuation Banking Countercyclical capital buffers Financial contagion Financial regulation and supervision Financial sector policy and analysis Stress testing Systemic risk
Title: IMF Lending in an Interconnected World
Series: Working Paper No. 2017/155
Date: July 10, 2017
Subject: Balance of payments Current account deficits Financial contagion Financial crises Financial sector policy and analysis Oil prices Prices Spillovers
Title: Market Frictions, Interbank Linkages and Excessive Interconnections
Series: Working Paper No. 2016/180
Date: August 26, 2016
Subject: Asset and liability management Banking Deposit insurance Financial contagion Financial crises Financial institutions Financial markets Financial sector policy and analysis Interbank markets Liquidity Systemically important financial institutions
Title: United Kingdom: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Systemic Risk and Interconnectedness Analysis-Technical Note
Series: Country Report No. 2016/164
Date: June 17, 2016
Subject: Banking Commercial banks Financial contagion Financial institutions Financial sector policy and analysis Insurance companies Spillovers Systemic risk