IMF Publications by Subject
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Civil service:
Title: Nicaragua: Selected Issues
Series: Country Report No. 2006/173
Date: May 16, 2006
Subject: Civil service Economic sectors Employment Labor Public employment Public sector Wages
Title: Antigua and Barbuda: Staff Report for the 2005 Article IV Consultation
Series: Country Report No. 2006/145
Date: April 22, 2006
Subject: Arrears Civil service Economic sectors External debt Labor Public debt Public sector Revenue administration
Title: Democratic Republic of the Congo: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix
Series: Country Report No. 2005/373
Date: October 14, 2005
Subject: Civil service Economic sectors Exchange rates Foreign exchange Inflation Labor Mining sector Monetary base Money Prices
Title: Per Jacobsson Lecture #1
Series: per Jacobson lecture
Date: August 8, 2005
Subject: Banking Civil service Labor
Title: Haiti: Selected Issues
Series: Country Report No. 2005/205
Date: June 17, 2005
Subject: Civil service Exports International trade Labor Public employment Revenue administration Taxes Value-added tax
Title: Evaluation of the Technical Assistance Provided by the International Monetary Fund
Series: Independent Evaluation Office Reports
Date: April 15, 2005
Subject: Banking Civil service Commercial banks Financial institutions Financial Sector Assessment Program Financial sector policy and analysis Labor Personal income Revenue administration Tax administration core functions Tax collection
Title: Namibia: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix
Series: Country Report No. 2005/096
Date: March 11, 2005
Subject: Civil service Health HIV and AIDS Human capital Income Labor National accounts Wages
Title: Are Laws Needed for Public Management Reforms? An International Comparison
Series: Working Paper No. 2005/062
Date: March 1, 2005
Subject: Budget planning and preparation Civil service Fiscal law Legal support in revenue administration Public sector
Title: Union of the Comoros: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix
Series: Country Report No. 2004/233
Date: August 13, 2004
Subject: Banking Civil service Civil service reform Exports Imports International trade Labor Tariffs Taxes
Title: Political Instability and Growth: The Central African Republic
Series: Working Paper No. 2004/080
Date: May 1, 2004
Subject: Civil service Natural resources Real effective exchange rates Real exchange rates Terms of trade