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Acosta Ormaechea, Santiago:
Title: A Guide and Tool for Projecting Public Gross Financing Needs
Series: Technical Notes and Manuals No. 2025/001
Date: January 24, 2025
ICD Public Debt Dynamics Tool with Gross Financing Needs (DDT_GFN)
Subject: External debt Fiscal consolidation Fiscal policy Fiscal stance Foreign currency debt Local currency debt Public debt
Title: Tax Policy for Inclusive Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean
Series: Working Paper No. 2022/008
Date: January 21, 2022
Subject: Corporate income tax Income and capital gains taxes Income tax systems Personal income tax Revenue administration Taxes
Title: A Guide and Tool for Projecting Public Debt and Fiscal Adjustment Paths with Local- and Foreign-Currency Debt
Series: Technical Notes and Manuals No. 2021/005
Date: May 28, 2021
Subject: Debt sustainability analysis Exchange rate adjustments Expenditure External debt Fiscal policy Fiscal stance Foreign currency debt Foreign exchange Public debt Revenue administration
Title: Public Debt Dynamics and Intra-Year Exchange Rate Fluctuations
Series: Working Paper No. 2020/261
Date: November 20, 2020
Subject: Asset and liability management Asset valuation Currencies Exchange rates Fiscal policy Fiscal stance Foreign exchange Money Public debt
Title: The Value Added Tax and Growth: Design Matters
Series: Working Paper No. 2019/096
Date: May 7, 2019
Subject: Consumption taxes Income and capital gains taxes Revenue administration Revenue performance assessment Tax efficiency Taxes Value-added tax
Title: Fiscal Reforms, Long-term Growth and Income Inequality
Series: Working Paper No. 2017/145
Date: June 29, 2017
Subject: Fiscal policy Income distribution Income inequality Macrostructural analysis National accounts Personal income Structural reforms
Title: Demographic Changes in Latin America: The Good, the Bad and …
Series: Working Paper No. 2017/094
Date: April 13, 2017
Subject: Aging Expenditure Labor Pension spending Pensions Population and demographics Retirement
Title: Can a Government Enhance Long-Run Growth by Changing the Composition of Public Expenditure?
Series: Working Paper No. 2013/162
Date: July 8, 2013
Subject: Capital spending Education spending Expenditure Social protection spending Total expenditures
Title: Tax Composition and Growth: A Broad Cross-Country Perspective
Series: Working Paper No. 2012/257
Date: October 25, 2012
Subject: Consumption taxes Income and capital gains taxes Income tax systems Property tax Revenue administration Taxes
Title: The Monetary Transmission in Dollarized and Non-Dollarized Economies: The Cases of Chile, New Zealand, Peru and Uruguay
Series: Working Paper No. 2011/087
Date: April 1, 2011
Subject: Central bank policy rate Deposit rates Exchange rates Inflation Money markets