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Martinez, Leonardo:
Title: A Guide and Tool for Projecting Public Gross Financing Needs
Series: Technical Notes and Manuals No. 2025/001
Date: January 24, 2025
ICD Public Debt Dynamics Tool with Gross Financing Needs (DDT_GFN)
Subject: External debt Fiscal consolidation Fiscal policy Fiscal stance Foreign currency debt Local currency debt Public debt
Title: Rwanda: Technical Assistance on Public Debt Projections and Analysis with the Public Debt Dynamics Tool (DDT)
Series: High Level Summary Technical Assistance Report No. 2024/030
Date: August 27, 2024
Subject: Debt sustainability analysis External debt Government debt management Government debt planning Public debt Public financial management (PFM)
Title: Sovereign Debt
Series: Working Paper No. 2022/122
Date: June 17, 2022
Subject: Debt default External debt Financial crises Financial markets Fiscal policy Fiscal rules Public debt Securities markets
Title: Sovereign Cocos
Series: Working Paper No. 2022/078
Date: April 29, 2022
Subject: Asset and liability management Consumption Contingent convertible capital Debt default Debt relief External debt Financial sector policy and analysis National accounts Return on investment
Title: Numerical Fiscal Rules for Economic Unions: the Role of Sovereign Spreads
Series: Working Paper No. 2021/196
Date: July 23, 2021
Subject: Asset and liability management Asset prices Debt limits Fiscal policy Fiscal rules Prices
Title: A Guide and Tool for Projecting Public Debt and Fiscal Adjustment Paths with Local- and Foreign-Currency Debt
Series: Technical Notes and Manuals No. 2021/005
Date: May 28, 2021
Subject: Debt sustainability analysis Exchange rate adjustments Expenditure External debt Fiscal policy Fiscal stance Foreign currency debt Foreign exchange Public debt Revenue administration
Title: Sovereign Debt Standstills
Series: Working Paper No. 2020/290
Date: December 18, 2020
Subject: Asset prices Debt burden Debt relief Personal income Securities markets
Title: Constrained Efficient Borrowing with Sovereign Default Risk
Series: Working Paper No. 2020/227
Date: November 8, 2020
Subject: Asset prices Bonds Consumption Debt default External debt Financial institutions National accounts Personal income Prices
Title: Debt Maturity and the Use of Short-Term Debt: Evidence form Sovereigns and Firms
Series: Departmental Paper No. 2019/001
Date: February 5, 2019
Subject: Bonds Currencies Financial institutions Loans Money Public debt Syndicated loans
Title: Non-Defaultable Debt and Sovereign Risk
Series: Working Paper No. 2014/198
Date: October 28, 2014
Subject: Asset and liability management Bonds Debt default Debt limits External debt Financial institutions National accounts Personal income Sovereign bonds
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