Policy Papers

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June 5, 2007

Fiscal Policy Response to Scaled-Up Aid

Description: Sound fiscal policies are critical for handling aid volatility as well as for making effective use of scaled-up aid and other flows. By easing resource constraints, these flows allow low-income countries (LICs) to increase spending aimed at enhancing growth and reducing poverty. Effective management of these policies, however, presents a host of macroeconomic challenges, many of them fiscal.

June 5, 2007

Implementation Plan in Response to Board-Endorsed Recommendations Arising from the Independent Evaluation Office Report on The IMF and Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa

Description: This paper sets out an implementation plan that responds to the IEO report on the Fund and Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa (the IEO Report). It sets out the recommendations made in the IEO Report and the view of the Executive Board on them (Section II), and outlines the various work streams that are being undertaken to respond substantively to the recommendations endorsed by the Board (Section III). The paper also estimates the cost of the first stage of the Fund’s response to the IEO Report, while costings for proposals in the implementation phase will be provided in the context of forthcoming Board papers. Finally, the paper solicits Directors’ feedback.

May 29, 2007

The IMF's Communication Strategy

Description: The strategy proposed in this paper seeks to build understanding and support for the IMF’s reform agenda as outlined in the IMF's Medium-Term Strategy, further integrate communications with operations, raise the impact of communication tools, and rebalance outreach efforts.

April 20, 2007

Code of Good Practices on Fiscal Transparency, revised April 2007

Description: The IMF has revised its Code of Good Practices on Fiscal Transparency, following a public consultation process. Nine new practices have been added to the Code and many existing practices have been broadened in scope. The four pillars of the original Code remain unchanged: clarity of roles and responsibilities, open budget processes, public availability of information and assurances of integrity. The revised Code will be used in IMF surveillance and in voluntary assessments of fiscal transparency in member countries under the standards and codes initiative. Two associated documents - the Manual on Fiscal Transparency (2007) and the Guide on Resource Revenue Transparency (2007) - provide supporting in-depth coverage of good practices.

April 20, 2007

Manual on Fiscal Transparency, revised April 2007

Description: The Manual, which is a companion document to the IMF’s Code of Good Practices on Fiscal Transparency (2007), has been revised to reflect the new Code and to provide more recent examples of good practice by individual countries. The Manual expands and explains the pillars and principles of the Code and provides richer and more in-depth coverage of each good practice. Country examples are taken from Reports on Standards and Codes (ROSCs). The Manual also includes new linkages to the Guide on Resource Revenue Transparency (2007), including reporting on contracts, quasi-fiscal activities and use of public assets.

April 20, 2007

Revised Guide on Resource Revenue Transparency

Description: The Guide, which is a companion document to the IMF’s Code of Good Practices on Fiscal Transparency (2007), has been revised to reflect the new Code and to provide more recent examples of good practice by individual countries The Guide applies the good practices of the Code to the unique set of transparency issues faced by countries that derive a significant share of revenues from natural resources. It addresses issues arising both from the sheer size and volatility of such resources and the technical complexity of the transaction flows. The Guide supplements the Manual on Fiscal Transparency (2007).

April 19, 2007

Note to the Executive Boards of the IMF and the World Bank on the Revised Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision

Description: The purpose of this note is to inform the Executive Boards of the World Bank and the IMF of the main changes in the Basel Core Principles and assessment Methodology.

April 16, 2007

Staff Guidance Note on the Application of the Joint Fund-Bank Debt Sustainability Framework for Low-Income Countries (LICs)

Description: The guidance note covers analytical aspects of the DSA framework, including the main changes introduced in this note. It also discusses DSA design and operational implications and technical modalities for preparing DSAs including timing, information sharing, review, and clearance. It outlines arrangements for HIPCs and discusses a communications strategy. An annex provides a user’s guide to the templates.

April 11, 2007

Report of the Managing Director to the International Monetary and Financial Committee on the IMF's Policy Agenda

Description: Over the past six months, work has concentrated on making surveillance more effective, reforming quotas and voice, and reviewing the finances of the institution to place them on a sustainable footing. Progress has also been made with other key elements of the medium-term strategy, including capacity building, crisis prevention, and support for emerging markets and low-income countries. In January, the Fund welcomed its 185th member, the Republic of Montenegro

April 11, 2007

Progress Report on the Activities of the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO)

Description: Since its last Report to the IMFC in Singapore, the IEO has focused most of its attention on completion of two evaluations; namely the IMF and Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa and the IMF’s Advice on Exchange Rate Policy. In addition work is progressing or has been initiated on a number of new topics identified in the last Report.

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