This web page archives information about the work of the former IMF Resident Representative Office in Hungary. Additional information can be found on the Hungary and IMF country page, including IMF reports and Executive Board documents that deal with Hungary.

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At a Glance: Hungary's Relations with the IMF

  • Current IMF membership: 190 countries
  • Hungary joined the Fund on May 6, 1982; Article VIII
  • Quota: SDR 1940.0 million
  • Outstanding loans: None
  • The 2022 Article IV Consultation was discussed by the Executive Board on February 1, 2023

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IMF’s Work on Hungary

  • Hungary: Staff Concluding Statement of the 2024 Article IV Mission

    June 21, 2024

    An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission, led by Anke Weber and comprising Chris Jackson, Jakree Koosakul, Augustus Panton, and Atticus Weller, visited Budapest during June 11-21 to conduct discussions on the 2024 Article IV Consultation with the Hungarian authorities. At the end of the visit, the mission issued the following statement.

  • Executing a Soft Landing for a Lasting Recovery

    March 15, 2024

    Today’s gathering comes two years after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a subsequent energy-price roller coaster, and the advent of a more fragmented global economy. Against this backdrop Europe has done well, because governments acted fast and decisively. Unemployment rates have remained low, inflation has declined sharply, and the EU announced a new accession effort—stemming the tide of fragmentation.

  • The European Outlook and Policymaking: Seeing Off Inflation and Pivoting to Longer-Term Reforms

    October 18, 2023

    Good morning to all of you. Thank you for the introduction. It is a pleasure to be here today and for the first time at the Budapest Economic Forum. I am honored to have been invited to speak. Today, I will discuss the outlook for Europe and how we see the risks. Inflation, implications of the geoeconomic fragmentation, and the green transition will be particular areas of focus. I will discuss key policies for securing low inflation and forging a path of higher long-term growth.

  • Drivers of Inflation: Hungary

    February 26, 2023

    Author/Editor:Estefania Cohn-Bech | Karim Foda | Agustin Roitman
    Series:Selected Issues Paper No. 2023/004

  • Hungarian Monetary Policy Operations Before, During, and After the Pandemic: Hungary

    February 26, 2023

    Author/Editor:Tonny Lybek
    Series:Selected Issues Paper No. 2023/005


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Regional Economic Outlook

April 19, 2024

Soft Landing in Crosswinds for a Lasting Recovery

A soft landing for Europe’s economies is within reach. Securing the baseline of growth with price stability will require careful monetary policy calibration. Faster fiscal consolidation would ensure buffers are adequate to tackle future shocks, while structural fiscal reforms would help address mounting long-term expenditure pressures. Beyond the near-term recovery, raising potential growth prospects calls for efforts at both the domestic and European levels. Measures should aim to raise labor force participation, prepare the workforce for looming structural shifts, set an enabling environment for private investment, and promote innovation on a level European playing field—especially when it comes to the green transition, including through a strong commitment to carbon pricing. Greater European integration would amplify the effect of these reforms. Formulating an ambitious set of growth-enhancing reforms should be a key priority of a new EU commission.
Read the Report