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Petya Koeva Brooks

Petya Koeva Brooks

Petya Koeva Brooks is Deputy Director in the Research Department of the IMF. In this capacity, she leads the work on multilateral surveillance, including the IMF’s flagship World Economic Outlook. Previously, she was Deputy Director in the IMF’s Strategy, Policy, and Review (SPR) Department, overseeing the design and implementation of policies related to Fund lending, capital flows, and IMF collaboration with regional financing arrangements. Earlier, she was the chief of the Emerging Markets Division in SPR. During 2012–15, she was in the European Department as the mission chief for Italy and was in charge of the unit responsible for Euro Area surveillance. During 2009–2012, she was the head of the World Economic Outlook division in the Research Department. Prior to this, she was the mission chief for Iceland in 2008 and a desk economist for India, Nepal, United Kingdom, Ireland, Cyprus, Thailand, Turkey, and the Euro Area. During 2005–2006, she was a currency strategist for Barclays Capital in London. She holds a Ph.D. from MIT.