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Antonio Garcia Pascual

Antonio Garcia Pascual is Deputy Chief in the Global Markets Analysis Division, which is responsible for the Global Financial Stability Report and global markets monitoring. Prior to joining the IMF he spent 10 years in the markets as managing director and chief European economist at Barclays, based in London. Prior to his appointment at Barclays, he was a senior economist at the IMF in the Monetary and Capital Markets Department and in the Western Hemisphere Department. In this capacity, Mr. Garcia Pascual was the IMF’s representative at the research task-force of the Basel Committee and was appointed IMF resident advisor at the central bank of Russia. Mr. Garcia Pascual has also been a visiting scholar at SAIS, Johns Hopkins University, and taught International Finance at Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich. He is a member of the CESifo Research Network and of ESADE Centre for Economic Policy. His research has been published in academic journals, including the Journal of International Money and Finance, Oxford Economic Papers, and the Review of International Economics. During his time in the private sector he collaborated regularly with CNBC and Bloomberg and his research has been cited by the Economist, the FT, the WSJ, and the NYT. Mr Garcia Pascual obtained his BA in Economics from Universidad Complutense de Madrid and his MA and PhD in Economics from the University of California, UCSC.