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Alejandro Guerson

Alejandro Guerson is a Deputy Chief in the Caribbean 1 Division in the Western Hemisphere Department of the International Monetary Fund. He has recently worked as mission chief for Dominica and St. Lucia and has also participated in several ECCU regional consultations. He has done extensive modeling work on the macroeconomic impact of natural disasters, including to evaluate the returns on investment in infrastructure resilient to natural disasters and the impact of climate change, led the work of the first Disaster Resilience Strategy (DRS) at the Fund, and worked on climate finance issues. During his career at the Fund, Alejandro worked on several countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, and also on program cases in Europe during the global financial crisis as an economist in the Fiscal Affairs Department. Alejandro has written theoretical and empirical papers on a variety of topics, including fiscal rules, state contingent debt instruments, global financial cycles, bank network analysis, sovereign wealth funds, monetary policy, fiscal rules, natural disaster insurance, and contributed to several books chapters on a variety of topics. His pre-Fund work experience includes the World Bank and the Central Bank of Argentina. Alejandro, a national of Argentina, holds a PhD in Economics from George Washington University.