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Top 10 Blogs of 2020

Welcome to 2021. Before we step too far into the new year, the editors at IMFBlog invite you to reflect on what the world went through in 2020.

As much as we would like to turn the page on 2020, navigating a course forward through still uncertain times entails using all we’ve learned up to now.

Our list of your top reads from the past year tracks the COVID-19 pandemic—from the early days of uncertainty and fear through to the tepid and uneven reopening of economies. Naturally, our coverage focused on the profound implications for the global economy and financial stability. But it touched on other dimensions of the crisis as well.

As policy makers debated how best to respond, our economists put forward their recommendations on the types of policies needed to meet the crisis head on. Whether these policies protected lives or livelihoods—and indeed they aspire to do both—the crisis like no other has been met with a response like no other.

We hope we have helped you make some sense of all this past year has thrown at us, as we now move forward into 2021. Here are the top 10 blogs of 2020, based on your readership.

1.  The Great Lockdown: Worst Economic Downturn Since the Great Depression
By Gita Gopinath

2.  An Early View of the Economic Impact of the Pandemic in 5 Charts
By John Bluedorn, Gita Gopinath, and Damiano Sandri

3.  COVID-19 Crisis Poses Threat to Financial Stability
By Tobias Adrian

4.  Economic Policies for the COVID-19 War
By Giovanni Dell’Ariccia, Paolo Mauro, Antonio Spilimbergo, and Jeromin Zettelmeyer

5.  Reopening from the Great Lockdown: Uneven and Uncertain Recovery
By Gita Gopinath

6.  Limiting the Economic Fallout of the Coronavirus with Large Targeted Policies
By Gita Gopinath

7.  Fiscal Policies to Protect People During the Coronavirus Outbreak
By Vitor Gaspar and Paolo Mauro

8.  Fiscal Policies to Contain the Damage from COVID-19
By Vitor Gaspar, W. Raphael Lam, and Mehdi Raissi

9.  COVID-19 Pandemic and Latin America and the Caribbean: Time for Strong Policy Actions
By Alejandro Werner

10.  Monetary and Financial Stability During the Coronavirus Outbreak
By Tobias Adrian